Saturday, December 1, 2007

New NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Strategy

World organizations are trying to understand the need for and to measure the quality of aid currently being provided to Africa. A view as gathered from written articles and TV News shows such as the BBC’s The World Uncovered: Aid, Is it Working?, is twofold – Aid is very essential for 3rd world countries in order to protect and preserve basic human rights. But aid as it is administered today is not working as effectively as it could.

Corruption, lack of good governance, and donor country’s control of the use of the money are some of the many reasons for this ineffectiveness. Also the countries and communities receiving the aid become dependent on it and do not use it to grow stronger economically; thus remaining in the same poor condition after the aid is applied.

It is agreed that aid must be used to provide basics services like health, education and water, and must promote the development of other infrastructure. Application of Aid is considered most appropriate for the following:
Development of Human Beings – Socially and Economically
Development of Good Governance
Development of Infrastructure

Other significant areas to improve aid effectiveness, which are being considered at the world stage, include:
-Communities need a voice to indicate to donors their real needs and their views on how best to use and distribute aid.
-Donors need experience and direct feedback on what is needed and a way to measure how the aid is being administered.
-Communities must use aid as a catalyst to become stable economically thereby allowing them to provide the needed support for the vulnerable people in their own community.

The Sub-Saharan Child and Community Development Enterprise (SACCODE) truly believes traditional aid is a catalyst and should be used accordingly to provide basic human needs and to position rural communities for economical stability and growth.

SACCODE’s focus and strategy is geared towards jobs creation and economical stability of rural communities, which is intended to directly promote the care and support of needy children and other vulnerable people in their respective communities.

SACCODE, as an upcoming international NGO working in Africa with its principal pilot branch in Malawi, will reach its goal of thoroughly redressing problems that an African child faces. Specific actions towards achieving this include:
-Amplifying the voices of the community to improve the process and to assure that aid is addressing the real needs of their community.
-Focusing on creating jobs and providing ‘livable’ wages for people in rural Malawian communities. Support the further growth of a Malawian middle class.
-Raising ‘seed’ money from the donor community and others to invest in revenue generating ‘startups’ or projects with the goal of creating a positive cash flow for their rural communities.
-Forming joint ventures with local community representatives where SACCODE acting as a holding company maintains management and financial control of the new organizations.
-Ensuring that the profits of the organization if achieved are provided for the care of the needy people in the community.
-Developing a relationship with Polytechnic’s Entrepreneurial Program that is being sponsored by Scotland’s Strathclyde University with the goal of making their programs viable in the rural communities.
-Being an efficient and auditable vehicle for the gathering, channeling and distribution of donor funds to local community and their enterprises.
-Calibrating the process of giving aid where real metrics and statistics are fed back to donor organizations so they can determine if their aid is targeted as intended and being used properly and effectively.
-Providing possibilities for needy communities to have primary schools, community gardens and income generating infrastructure for the benefit of entire communities.
-Providing community empowerment through proper training and:
a. provisioning of micro-loans and micro-grants from a revolving fund under the supervision of SACCODE secretariat branches
b. providing a very efficient means to distribute donated funds to the people in need
c. developing specialize revenue generating projects for each community
d. carrying out feasibility studies, i.e. surveys, consultations, experiments, research, etc.
e. making sure that there is tangible capacity, i.e. technical buildup, personnel competence, legal as well as reliable ideologies, etc. for the implementation of its planned activities. The following approaches aimed at capacity build up will be used:
i. training and hiring of qualified personnel, and use of other available personnel resources
ii. sourcing of supporting materials from libraries, individuals, necessary organisations and any other related sources.
f. implementing projects where there shall be constant checks and controls on progress of the activities to assure the projects’ success, which is fed back to donor organizations.

1 comment:

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