Monday, November 9, 2009

SACCODE-Trust is Working with Global Giving to Raise Funding for the Orphans of Malawi, Central Africa.

SACCODE-Trust is participating in Global Giving's Global Open Challenge that runs from 24 November through 23 December 2009.  The Global Open Challenge is a great opportunity for our non-profit (NGO) to join the GlobalGiving community – so we can leverage their donor networks, technology, and partner relationships to raise funds for our projects online. 

Through the Open, projects have the opportunity to earn a spot on the GlobalGiving website if they can mobilize supporters to raise US $4,000 from at least 50 unique donors during this time period.  Projects meeting the minimum requirements we automatically earn a spot on GlobalGiving, and we can also compete for additional funding. The three projects receiving the most funding will receive additional awards of $3,000, $2,000, and $1,000, respectively; the project receiving the greatest number of donations will receive an additional $3,000.

Also Global Giving  as agreed to be SACCODE-Trust Fiscal Sponsor.  This assures all charitiable contributions will be tax deductible in the US.

There will be additional info posted on how to contribute to our work in Malawi, Africa as we get closer to the Open's start date.  The picutres below depicts the state of the orphaned chidren in the Maliya bush community, outside of Blantyre, Malawi.

Up to 60 children are taught in this 2 room schoolhouse that also doubles as their daycare center.

The schoolhouse has been recently damaged during Malawi's rainy season.

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